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2024 Legislative Session
Legislation as Chief Patron: HB 473 Income tax, state; employer retention credit. HB 474 Restroom Access Act; civil liability. HB 475 Child care; background checks for applicants for employment, etc. HB 476 Vacant buildings; registration. HB 477 Eviction Diversion...
2023 Legislative Session
HB 1367 Income tax, state; tax credit for employer contributions to Virginia College Savings Plan accounts. * HB 1368 Tax practitioners; work group to consider discussion process, etc. * HB 1369 Income tax, state; installment agreements for payment of taxes. *...
2021 End of Session
It took a lot of hard work and late nights, but the 2021 General Assembly session concluded its work for the year including the April 7 reconvene session. I want to bring you up to speed on everything that happened during the 2021 session. I know this is a long...
Hopewell kicks off weeklong HS grad celebrations
HOPEWELL — Graduating seniors in Hopewell are getting their last hurrah this week, courtesy of socially distanced celebrations. Four days of graduation events started Monday with a drive -thru parade. Students decorated their cars with signs, confetti and messages of...
Republican Carrie Coyner defeats Democrat Lindsey Dougherty in Chesterfield’s House District 62
Republican Carrie Coyner defeated Democrat Lindsey Dougherty on Tuesday in Chesterfield's House District 62. Coyner, a lawyer and member of the Chesterfield County School Board, faced off with Dougherty, a Chesterfield County budget analyst, for a seat that is...
School Board’s Coyner blends equity, social justice and the GOP in bid for House of Delegates
It’s just after 10 o’clock on a chilly, gray Saturday morning, and other than a haggard-looking cat sauntering across the road, there are few signs of life stirring at Greenleigh, one of several mobile home parks located along Chesterfield’s stretch of historic U.S....